Quick-Reference Repair Parts for Graco Hydra-Clean 2030 Replaces OEM P/N
| Bedford P/N
| Description / Reference / Notes
| Pump Assembly | | For Model: 804-532 | | 804-544 | - - - | Pump Assembly, 2000 & 2400 PSI | For Model: 804-561 | | 804-504 | - - - | Pump Assembly, 2000 PSI | For Model: 824-101 | | 804-531 | - - - | Pump Assembly, 2000 & 2400 PSI | Repair Kits | | 801-472 | - - - | Valve Kit (Kit 1) | 801-474 | - - - | Plunger Repair Kit (Kit 6) | 804-033 | - - - | Oil Seal Kit (Kit 83) | 804-034 | - - - | Valve Cap Kit (Kit 84) | 804-036 | - - - | Packing Assembly Kit (Kit 96) | 804-037 | - - - | Packing Kit (Kit 97) | Unloader | | For Models: 804-532 & 824-101 | | 804-543 | - - - | Unloader / Injector, 2000 & 2400 PSI | For Model: 804-561 | | 804-579 | - - - | Unloader / Injector, 2000 PSI | Graco Instruction Manuals | | 308-572 | Direct-Drive Pressure Washers | 308-736 | Hydra-Clean 1535, 2030, 2540, 3040 Pressure Washers | 824-111 | Pressure Washers (S/W): 2030, 2835, 3040, 3340 |
| Before ordering any repair parts or attempting any maintenance, carefully read all instructions and warnings and verify part numbers required as specified in the OEM manuals that came with your particular unit.
This reference was generated on 01/02/2022. Part numbers on this reference were last modified on 03/24/2003. Copyright © 2022 by Bedford Precision Parts LLC
Repair Parts for Graco Hydra-Clean 2030 804-544 804544 804-504 804504 804-531 804531 801-472 801472 801-474 801474Repair Parts for Graco Hydra-Clean 2030 804-033 804033 804-034 804034 804-036 804036 804-037 804037 804-543 804543Repair Parts for Graco Hydra-Clean 2030 804-579 804579 308-572 308572 308-736 308736 824-111 824111