Quick-Reference Repair Parts for Wagner SprayTech GP 2600 Replaces OEM P/N
| Bedford P/N
| Description / Reference / Notes
| Repair Kits | | Displacement Pump (Fluid Section) | | 0291919 | - - - | Packing Repair Kit | Piston Rods | | 0291321 | - - - | Piston Rod | Cylinders & Sleeves | | 0291350 | - - - | Upper Cylinder | 0291353 | - - - | Lower Cylinder | Carbide Ball Seats, Check Valves & Check Balls | | Upper Ball Seat (Outlet Seat) | | 0291920 | - - - | Outlet Valve Repair Kit | 0123332 | - - - | Outlet Valve Seat | 9941501 | 9-809 | Ball, outlet, 11mm | Lower Ball Seat (Intake Seat) | | 0291922 | - - - | Inlet Valve Repair Kit | 17327 | - - - | Seat, inlet valve | 0291367 | - - - | Ball, inlet valve, 18mm | Miscellaneous Parts & Accessories | | 0119317 | - - - | Ball Guide, inlet | 0123328 | - - - | Retaining Nut, outlet valve | 0291304 | - - - | Upper Packing Nut | 0291388 | - - - | Housing, inlet valve | 0291389 | - - - | Sleeve, inlet | 0291464 | - - - | Guide, outlet | 9870113 | - - - | Washer, sealing, outlet valve | 9871034 | - - - | O-Ring, lower cylinder | 9871035 | - - - | O-Ring, upper cylinder | 9871036 | - - - | O-Ring, intake housing | 9871037 | - - - | O-Ring, upper cylinder | 9894222 | - - - | Spring, outlet | Miscellaneous Fluid Section Repair Parts | | 70602 | - - - | Filter Element, 100 mesh | 0291356 | - - - | Filter Element, 20 mesh | 0291357 | - - - | Filter Element, 50 mesh | 9871041 | - - - | Teflon O-Ring, outlet filter | 9894212 | - - - | Filter Support, oulet filter | Wagner Instruction Manuals | | 0291910 | GP2600 & GP2900 Piston Pumps |
| Before ordering any repair parts or attempting any maintenance, carefully read all instructions and warnings and verify part numbers required as specified in the OEM manuals that came with your particular unit.
This reference was generated on 01/02/2022. Part numbers on this reference were last modified on 05/28/2003. Copyright © 2022 by Bedford Precision Parts LLC
Repair Parts for Wagner SprayTech GP 2600 0291919 0291321 0291350 0291353 0291920 0123332 9941501 0291922 17327 0291367Repair Parts for Wagner SprayTech GP 2600 0119317 0123328 0291304 0291388 0291389 0291464 9870113 9871034 9871035Repair Parts for Wagner SprayTech GP 2600 9871036 9871037 9894222 70602 0291356 0291357 9871041 9894212 0291910Repair Parts for Wagner SprayTech GP 2600